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Monday, 23 June 2014

Modelling Advice

What is the Difference between a Modelling Agent and Modelling Manager?

Model agents, managers and the roles that they play in your career can be confusing. You know you have what it takes to be a model, but what about a team to guide you through the industry and get you those jobs. Networking and making friends is one thing, but what about a manager, or an agent?
Many beginning and experienced models think that model managers and model agents are one in the same. While they do share some of the same responsibilities, their primary roles are very different. Let's take a look.


Modelling managers do not arrange auditions. They provide guidance and direction for their female models to help them become successful in the industry. Model managers act as an intermediary between models and all the other industry people i.e. agents, attorneys and the press. It is the responsibility of the model manager to assist in the development of the models career in the modelling industry. Starting out, you do not need a manager and you should never sign your life away to anyone.

Model managers are not subject to any regulations set forth by the modelling industry so you must be very careful when selecting one represent you. You have to trust them completely so make sure you are not exploited.  Find out how much experience they have, who they have represented, and what type of models they represent. What are their success stories?
The benefits of working with a model manager are that you will have access to industry professionals that you would not otherwise have. If you are a new or un-signed female model, a model manager will help you get signed to an agency, for a fee or percentage.

Model Agents

The model agent, working for a modelling agency is the individual that gets the model work. Model agents receive casting notices from various clients. It is their job to put you up for the best auditions for you. They are essential, and most major advertisers will not work with models unless they have an agent.
A good model agency takes an interest in their models, and spends the majority of their time securing auditions and negotiating deals their behalf.

The responsibilities of model managers and model agents can be complex and may overlap in some instances. Just be sure to remember that a model agent's primary responsibility is getting you work. A model manager is not responsible for obtaining work for you. Rather, the model manager's role is to advance your overall career. Model managers focus on managing the business activities on behalf of the model and work with the modelling agency. This should free you up to focus on what’s important, the camera.

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