Model portfolio

Friday, 22 August 2014

Male Modelling Advice

Male Modelling

Male Modelling is an art with a mixture of fashion. A model is a person who always features in a role of promoting or mainly advertising commercial products. In a ramp a model promotes some collection of a designer. To become a model you need to fulfill some of the criteria. Most importantly, you need to be smart and witty. The selectors select the contestant’s through various tests. Once they pass through that criteria, they are called as model. After passing the criteria, they are given proper training so that they can become professional model.

There are various types of models but mostly are runway models. Runway models mainly promotes form various designers, fashion media and for any private consumers. They are also known as live models. It has been published in a newspaper that most of the models are live models and they are self-employed. They works in different location according to the wish of the client. Runway models have to work very hard and they need to maintain their look a lot. It's tough and the age range for these models is about the same as a boy band member.

Runway model walking style is different, they walk slowly with a straight backbone and then showcasing their looks and cloths to the audiences by standing at a certain position. Runway models have to change their cloths very fast because they need to come back to the big stage again with another cloth and also with different make up.

Runway models have to pass some criteria for male the average height must be around 5’11 to 6’2 and their weight can't be too heavy. It’s not always necessary that male have to make a huge muscular body. The selectors look for a smart guy with a fit body. For men good looking is not the condition, all the selectors are concerned about how they represent themselves and how is their body language.

In male modelling, using grooming kits is a must use because there is no place for male models with unwanted facial hair, jagged nails, poor teeth and bad odor. So they must be very much careful while pursuing this profession. To become a model, they have to be perfect in every criteria, if you need advice that is personalised to you, contact a reputable photography studio like Kube Studios and follow them on Facebook here for industry updates.